10 Most Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World 2024

10 Most Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World: The general population may have the misconception that all chickens are the same and are just raised for the purpose of generating meat and eggs.

On the other hand, there are a great many breeds of chickens all over the world, and each one has its own particular characteristics.

Unhappily, a significant number of these breeds are threatened with extinction because there is insufficient interest in keeping them as pets.

If you are considering obtaining some hens, consider getting one of the breeds on this list so that you may contribute to the preservation of that breed.

The breeds on this list are among the rarest in the world, despite the fact that there are far too many endangered species to name individually.

They were picked since there was a lot of data available regarding their projected number, thus it’s possible that some rarer chicken varieties were overlooked.

In addition, with the exception of the three chicken breeds ranked at the top of this list as the rarest, the others on this list do not have particular population estimates, and The Livestock Conservancy considers them to be of essential importance.

This indicates that there are fewer than 500 humans capable of reproducing in the United States, and it is likely that the global population is less than 1,000. The remaining items on the list are presented below in alphabetical order because of this reason.

This list contains information that is, as of October 2020, as accurate as it can possibly be and will be updated as necessary.

10 Most Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World 2024

1. Sultan

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: Turkey
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy and Priority Breed by Rare Breeds Survival Trust
  • Use: Ornamental

The Sultan or Serai Took as it is called in Turkish, is an extremely uncommon ornamental breed that was developed in Turkey.

It is considered to be of critical importance by The Livestock Conservancy, and the Rare Breeds Survival Trust has designated it as a priority breed.

The Sultan was initially designed as an ornamental breed for the Sultan of Constantinople, which is today known as Istanbul.

This is where the breed got its name. Miss Elizabeth Watts of Hampstead, London, is credited with bringing the breed to the United Kingdom in the year 1854. Today, all Sultans in the United Kingdom can trace their ancestry back to this first flock.

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The Sultan has more distinctive characteristics than any other breed, including a V-shaped comb, crest, beard, muffs, wide nostrils, wings that are carried low, vulture hocks, feathered shanks and toes, and is one of the few breeds that have five toes on each foot. In addition, the Sultan is one of the few breeds that has feathered shanks.

2. Modern Game

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: England
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy and Priority Breed by Rare Breeds Survival Trust
  • Use: Ornamental

Another fowl with an appearance all its own, the Modern Game was developed specifically for the purpose of being shown at exhibitions.

The breed is characterised by legs that are unusually long and lean in addition to having a body that is lean.

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After chickenfighting was made illegal in 1849, the gamechicken, also known as the fighting chicken, was designed in England to epitomise the visual attractiveness of the gamechicken or fighting chicken.

Modern Games began in England. Because of the small feathers on their bodies, the birds do not do well in really cold temperatures and are not good at laying eggs either.

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Both a regular and a bantam version of The Modern Game are available. Bantams of the Modern Game species are very common, in contrast to the larger sizes of this species, which are extremely rare.

3. La Flèche

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: France
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy
  • Use: Eggs and Meat

La Flèche is another uncommon French chicken breed that, like the Crèvecoeur, had its population decimated during the Second World War and has never fully recovered since then.

Late in the 19th century, a few La Flèche were brought to the United States, England, and Germany; nevertheless, the breed is only represented by a smattering of individuals in each of these nations.

It is considered that the meat from a La Flèche chicken is of the highest quality compared to that of any other French chicken breed.

The meat of the La Flèche has a delicate, soft, juicy, and short-grained texture. The skin is thin and white.

The breed is also known for its excellent capacity to put on weight, with the resulting fat being evenly distributed across the breasts, legs, thighs, and even the back.

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The name “La Flèche,” which refers to the breed’s distinctive v-shaped or arrow-like comb, translates to “the arrow” loosely.

4. Holland

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: United States of America
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy
  • Use: Eggs and Meat

The Holland is the least common of all chicken breeds that originated in the United States, and they have never achieved broad appeal.

In response to the demand for a dual-purpose bird that could lay white eggs, this species was developed at the Rutgers Breeding Farms in New Jersey.

Chickens originally bred in Holland were crossed with other breeds, including White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, and Lamonas, to create the White Holland variety of chicken.

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Mixing White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Australorps, and Brown Leghorns resulted in the creation of the more popular version of the Holland known as the Barred Holland. The Barred Holland breed has a very similar appearance to that of the Barred Plymouth Rock breed.

5. Derbyshire Redcap

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: England
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy
  • Use: Eggs and Meat

The Derbyshire Redcap is a breed of chicken that is uncommon since it was never cultivated for commercial purposes, despite the fact that it is a tough breed that is resistant to the most prevalent poultry diseases.

In its country of origin, England, the breed is most commonly kept on small farms in and around Derbyshire.

However, by the year 1960, the breed had become extremely rare as a result of the dissolution of the Derbyshire Redcap Club.

Although the club was reestablished in the late 1970s, the Derbyshire Redcap is still difficult to find.

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The Derbyshire Redcap, in contrast to the majority of contemporary chicken breeds, is relatively unadulterated and has a history of very little interbreeding.

6. Crèvecoeur

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: France
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy
  • Use: Eggs and Meat Ornamental

The Crèvecoeur is a French chicken that is considered to be one of the oldest breeds. Although its beginnings are largely unknown, it is known that the Crèvecoeur was created in Normandy and most likely existed there for a number of centuries.

The Crèvecoeur was historically valued for its high-quality meat and eggs, and it still maintains that reputation today.

Because of its distinctively fluffy crest, the Crèvecoeur is mostly used for decorative purposes and is frequently showcased at poultry shows.

The population of the Crèvecoeur was severely impacted by both World Wars, despite the fact that it had enjoyed widespread acclaim in France.

After World War II, many people held the impression that the Crevecoeur had been almost completely extinguished.

The recovery started in the late 1970s, although the Crevecoeur’s numbers were never particularly robust and have been relatively stable at around 1,000 for the majority of the last few decades.

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The Derbyshire Redcap, in contrast to the majority of contemporary chicken breeds, is relatively unadulterated and has a history of very little interbreeding.

7. Campine

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 1,000 worldwide
  • Country of Origin: Belgium
  • Conservation Status: Critical by The Livestock Conservancy and Priority Breed by Rare Breeds Survival Trust
  •  Use: Eggs and Ornamental

The Campine was named a priority breed by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust in the United Kingdom and was determined to be critically endangered by The Livestock Conservancy in the United States.

The Campine is thought to have originated in the Kempen (or Campine) region of Belgium. Regrettably, this indicates that the projected global population of Campine is less than 1,000 individuals.

In the latter half of the 19th century, campines were initially introduced to both the United Kingdom and the United States.

Although campines enjoyed a brief period of popularity among English breeders, they were never widely cultivated in the United States due to their poor adaptability to the climate.

Even in modern times, Campines remain one of the most uncommon types of farmed chickens.

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There are two different colour variants available for campiness: silver and golden. When a Silver Campine female is paired with a Golden Campine male, the chicks may be sexed at a day old because female chicks have a reddish blush and male chicks have grey on the top of their heads. This allows for the chicks to be separated at the time of breeding.

8. Onagadori

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: about 250 in Japan; small numbers worldwide
  • Country of Origin: Japan
  • Conservation Status: Endangered by FAO
  • Use:  Ornamental While long-tailed chickens are prized around the world for their beauty, none are as impressive or majestic as the

Onagadori  origin: Japan. The Onagadori, much like a handful of the other chicken breeds that appear on this list, is rather old and has been bred continuously since the 17th century at the very least.

Because the Onagadori was recognised as a National Natural Treasure of Japan in the year 1952, it is now illegal to move the hens or their eggs outside of Japan.

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There are only about a dozen breeders total, and they collectively have about 250 Onagadori. Any Onagadori chickens discovered in countries other than Japan are likely descended from birds that were exported before the breed was designated a National Natural Treasure.

Even while pure Onagardori is difficult to find outside of Japan, this breed is actually one of the ancestors of the German Phoenix chickens, which are frequently misidentified as Onagadori.

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Due to the fact that onagadori moult infrequently, if at all, and have a high growth rate, their tails can reach lengths ranging from 4.9 feet (1.5 metres) to 27 feet (88.58 metres).

9. Old English Pheasant Fowl

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: unknown, only kept by a few small breeders in the U.K.
  • Country of Origin: England
  • Conservation Status: Priority Breed by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust
  • Use: Eggs and Meat and Ornamental

Another type of uncommon chicken, the Old English Pheasant Fowl is primarily reared in the United Kingdom where it enjoys its rarity.

This native English chicken is a breed that dates back hundreds of years and has been around for quite some time.

The Old English Pheasant Fowl was never kept by large-scale commercial producers, despite the fact that the females were excellent egg layers and the males had breasts that were large enough to be used for food.

This is possibly due to the fact that the Old English Pheasant Fowl is a very active bird that requires a large amount of space to roam freely.

The Old English Pheasant Fowl, on the other hand, is a hardy breed with a long lifespan, which makes it an excellent choice for small producers.

Did You Know?

Before being given its current name in 1914, the Old English Pheasant Fowl was variously known as the Yorkshire Pheasant, the Golden Pheasant, and the Old-fashioned Pheasant. It did not become known as the Old English Pheasant Fowl until 1914.

10. Burmese

Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
Most Rarest Chicken Breeds
  • Estimated Population: unknown, but reportedly very scarce with only a handful of breeders around the world
  • Country of Origin: Myanmar (Burma)
  • Conservation Status: Priority Breed by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust
  • Use: Ornamental

The Burmese chicken, sometimes known as the Burmese Bantam, is the rarest breed of chicken in the world.

There is a very small population of Burmese chickens, and there are only a few breeders who keep them.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations carried out a survey of the Burmese population in the United Kingdom at one point in time, and their findings indicated that there were just about 102 chickens in total with fewer of them around now than before.

Although there haven’t been any new updates on the Burmese population, the chicken is said to be extremely hard to find by a number of different sources.

As its name suggests, the Burmese originated in Myanmar, which was formerly known as Burma in English.

It was not until the late 19th century that the Burmese found their way to the United Kingdom for the first time.

Burmese chickens have small legs, very fluffy feet and crests, and sometimes have beards. Despite the fact that they have a distinctive appearance, Burmese chickens have never gained widespread popularity, which has contributed to their rarity.

10 Most Rarest Chicken Breeds in the World- Newshub360.net




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