Top 11 Rarest Biomes in Minecraft: The various environments that can be discovered in Minecraft are referred to as biomes, and they take design cues from their analogs in the real world.
There are 79 biomes in the Java Edition of Minecraft (67 Overworld biomes, 5 Nether biomes, 5 End biomes, and 2 unused biomes), while there are only 75 biomes in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft (66 Overworld biomes, 5 Nether biomes, 1 End biome, and 3 unused biomes).
There are a few of these biomes that are extremely rare and almost never develop in a game, but most of these are either frequent or uncommon.
This list includes some of the more uncommon biomes that can be found in the Overworld. Because there is no authoritative numerical data indicating the frequency with which these biomes are generated, the rest of the biomes on this list have been grouped in alphabetical order.
The only exceptions to this rule are the top four rarest biomes. On the other hand, a number of dedicated Minecraft players, such as the user u/Ecl1psed on Reddit or Data Dude on YouTube, have attempted to conduct their own tests to determine the frequency with which the game’s various biomes are generated.
This list contains information that is, as of October 2020, as accurate as it can possibly be and will be updated as necessary
Top 11 Rarest Biomes in Minecraft 2024
1. Swamp Hills

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Medium/Mild
- Temperature: 0.8, but varies within a swamp
- Blocks: Grass Block, Water, Lily Pad, Clay, Vines, Oak Log, Oak Leaves, Blue Orchid, and Mushrooms
The Swamp Hills biome is an uncommon subtype of the Swamp biome that features a more hilly topography than the standard Swamp.
In comparison to hills in other biomes, those found in the Swamp Hills are often lower and more spread out.
Also, flooded places in the Swamp Hills have shallower depths than the rest of the Swamp, but they are occasionally deep enough to have a gravel floor instead of a dirt floor, just like regular oceans.
This is because the Swamp Hills are higher up than the rest of the Swamp. When a Swamp Hill is located in close proximity to a Jungle, there is a possibility that a Modified Jungle Edge will form, which is the most uncommon type of biome.
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In the Java Edition of Minecraft, the Swamp Hills biome does not produce Swamp Huts in the same way as the standard Swamp biome does.
2. Shattered Savanna and Shattered Savanna Plateau

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Dry/Warm
- Temperature: 1.1
- Blocks: Block, Coarse Dirt, Stone, Tall Grass, Acacia Log, Acacia Leaves, Oak Log, and Oak Leaves
The Shattered SavannaRare variations of the Savanna biome include the Shattered Savanna Plateau and other similar landscapes.
In contrast to the tranquil and almost entirely level terrain of the ordinary Savanna biome, the terrain of the Shattered Savanna is more broken up.
This habitat is distinguished by its patches of coarse dirt, spots of vivid green, and patches of stone. The mountains in this biome are exceedingly precipitous and irregular.
In addition to having large overhangs, floating islands, and enormous waterfalls and lavafalls, Shattered Savannas also contain terrain that is much more rugged and elevated than that of the Mountains biome.
The ordinary Shattered Savanna and the Shattered Savanna Plateau are nearly indistinguishable from one another, however, the Plateau is less harsh.
However, due to the height of the cliffs and the sharpness of their edges, exploring either the ordinary Shattered Savanna or the Shattered Savanna Plateau should be done at your own risk.
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Shattered Savannas are characterized by the presence of vast, deep lakes that tend to form in the foothills of the surrounding mountains. Shattered Savanna Plateaus, on the other hand, do not have this characteristic.
3. Ice Spikes

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Snowy/Icy
- Temperature: 0.0
- Blocks: Packed Ice, Snow Block, Snow, Dirt, and Ice
Ice Spikes are an uncommon variant of the Snowy Tundra biome that can only be found in certain areas.
They are distinguished by their huge spikes of Packed Ice and glaciers. Prior to the release of Update Aquatic, the only biome other than Ice Spikes that included Packed Ice was Ice Spikes.
The Ice Spikes are available in two different sizes: short spikes that are wide, and tall spikes that are thin. The height of the spikes ranges from ten to twenty blocks on average, but some of the higher, thinner spikes might reach over fifty blocks in height.
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Polar bears and rabbits are the only kind of animal mobs that may be found in the Ice Spikes, just as they are in the standard Snowy Tundra.
4. Gravelly Mountains and Gravelly Mountains+

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Cold
- Temperature: 0.2
- Blocks: Gravel, Grass Block, Snow, Stone, Emerald Ore, Infested Stone
Gravelly Mountains and Gravelly Mountains+ are not as prevalent as Mountains and two of its other varieties, but Mountains can still be seen rather frequently.
The uppermost few levels of the Gravelly Mountains are composed entirely of gravel, rather than stone or grass.
Trees appear less frequently in these Mountain versions because there is less grass to support them.
The Gravelly Mountains+ biome is quite similar to the Gravelly Mountains biome that is available normally.
On the other hand, the Gravelly Mountains have peaks that are significantly higher and about on par with those found in the Wooded Mountains.
In most cases, a solitary instance of this biome will be created when a Snowy biome is found to be adjacent to a Desert Lake.
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When excavating underground in the Gravelly Mountains, players need to exercise extreme caution because the top layers of gravel have the potential to induce asphyxia.
5. Giant Tree Taiga and All Variants

- Rarity: All Rare
- Type: Cold
- Temperature: 0.3
- Blocks: Grass Block, Podzol, Coarse Dirt, Mossy Cobblestone, Spruce Log, Spruce Leaves, Fern, Large Ferns, Dead Bush, Sweet Berry Bush, and Mushrooms
Rare cold biomes include the Giant Tree Taiga and all of its variations, including the Giant Tree Taiga Hills, the Giant Spruce Taiga, and the Giant Spruce Taiga Hills.
These types of biomes are typically rather extensive, and the Spruce trees that live there can reach great heights.
Most of the time, Jungles, Taigas, and even Snowy biomes can be found at the borders of Giant Tree Taigas.
The giant spruce trees in the giant spruce biomes have a greater number of leaves than the giant tree spruce trees in the normal and hilly Giant Tree Taiga biomes.
This is the primary distinction between the giant spruce biomes and the giant tree biomes. Because there are more leaves, there is a greater likelihood that saplings will fall when these trees are chopped down. Because of this, the location is suitable for the sustainable harvesting of spruce wood.
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Even though the Giant Tree Taiga and its variants are frigid biomes, the snowfall line is so high up in these regions that it almost never snows naturally. The snowfall line is above Y=150 (blocks high) in the Giant Tree Taiga, whereas it forms at Y=120 in the Giant Spruce Taiga.
6. Eroded Badlands

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Dry/Warm
- Temperature: 2.0
- Blocks: Red Sand, Terracotta, Cactus, Dead Bush, Gold Ore
Eroded Badlands are an uncommon form of the Badlands that can sometimes be found. This biome is distinguished by its distinctive formations, which include tall, thin spires of terracotta that emerge out of the canyon floor.
Eroded Badlands are not accompanied by desert biomes during the generation process. Pigs, sheep, chickens, cows, and bats are some of the passive mobs that can spawn in the Eroded Badlands in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft.
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Hoodoos are the name given to the terracotta formations that can be found in the Eroded Badlands biome. This ecosystem was designed to resemble Bryce Canyon in Utah, which is also located in the United States and is home to some stunning hoodoos.
7. Bamboo Jungle and Bamboo Jungle Hills
- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Medium/Lush
- Temperature: 0.95
- Blocks: Grass Block, Podzol, Bamboo, Vines, Jungle Log, Jungle Leaves, Oak Log, Oak Leaves, and Melon
The Bamboo Jungle is a subtype of the Jungle that features an environment that is dominated by bamboo plants, as suggested by the game’s name.
The only other place to discover the unique dirt-type block known as Podzol is in the Giant Tree Taiga and its variants.
Podzol may also be found in the Bamboo Jungle and the Bamboo Jungle Hills. Bamboo Jungles and Bamboo Jungle Hills are the only locations in which jungle-specific monsters such as pandas, parrots, and ocelots can be found.
In the Java Edition, there is a 50/50 possibility that either form of Bamboo Jungle could produce a Jungle Pyramid.
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There is a greater possibility of encountering a panda in Bamboo Jungles (spawn chance of 80/160) and Bamboo Jungle Hills (spawn chance of 80/130).
8. Mushroom Fields and Mushroom Field Shore

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Medium/Lush
- Temperature: 0.9
- Blocks: Mycelium, Mushroom Blocks, and Mushrooms
Fields of mushrooms are the least common type of biome that isn’t a variety in the game. Mushroom biomes usually take the form of an island surrounded by water when they are generated, however, they can occasionally be seen touching land on one side.
It is possible for Mushroom Fields to be totally surrounded by land, but this scenario occurs even less frequently than the occurrence of a Modified Jungle Edge.
Mushroom Fields are the only type of habitat in which naturally occurring Mooshrooms, which are cows covered with mushrooms, can be found.
The single variation of the Mushroom Fields biome is the Mushroom Field Shore, which is a technical biome.
Both the presence of a river cutting through it and the proximity of the land to an ocean will bring it about.
The main distinction between the ordinary Mushroom Fields and the version known as the Mushroom Field Shore is that the latter is significantly lower in height and more level than the former.
Additionally, the Mushroom Field Shores have a chance to yield Buried Treasure and Shipwrecks at random.
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Even in caves, mineshafts, and other dark constructions, aggressive night-time monsters such as creepers, skeletons, and zombies do not spawn in the Mushroom Fields, making it one of the safest biomes in Minecraft.
9. Snowy Taiga Mountains

- Rarity: Rare
- Type: Snowy/Icy
- Temperature: -0.5
- Blocks: Grass Block, Snow, Grass, Fern, Sweet Berry Bush, Large Fern, Spruce Log, Spruce Leaves
According to the Official Minecraft Wiki, the Snowy Taiga Mountains are the third-rarest biome, which places them behind the Modified Jungle Edge and the Modified Badlands Plateau.
This is despite the fact that the Snowy Taiga Mountains do not have their own unique rarity. The mountains that are located in the Snowy Taiga Mountains are taller, more precipitous, and more irregular than the mountains that are found in the ordinary Taiga Mountains.
Because of this, traveling across the Snowy Taiga Mountains is fraught with peril.
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In the Snowy Taiga Mountains biome, settlements such as igloos, towns, and outposts do not randomly emerge as they do in the ordinary Snowy Taiga variation.
10. Modified Badlands Plateau
- Rarity: Very Rare
- Type: Dry/Warm
- Temperature: 2.0
- Blocks: Red Sand, Terracotta, Cactus, Dead Bush, and Gold Ore
The Modified Badlands Plateau is the only biome in the Minecraft overworld that is considered to be “very rare.” It is the second-rarest biome in the overworld.
This altered version of the Badlands Plateau boasts more rugged topography and lower elevations throughout its altered plateaus.
Mineshafts have a chance of spawning on the Modified Badlands Plateau, just like they do in the other biomes of the Badlands.
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Large plateaus in the real world that have been exposed to the elements for a longer period of time are replicated visually and topographically by the Modified Badlands Plateau.
11. Modified Jungle Edge

- Rarity: Extremely Rare
- Type: Medium/Lush
- Temperature: 0.95
- Blocks: Grass Block, Vines, Jungle Log, Jungle Leaves, Cocoa, Oak Log, Oak Leaves, and Melon
The Modified Jungle Edge is the only biome in Minecraft that has the “extremely rare” description. It is also the biome that is currently the rarest.
This particular biome is extremely uncommon due to the stringent requirements necessary for its formation.
It is necessary for a Swamp Hills biome to spawn just outside the edge of a Jungle in order for there to be a chance of there being a Modified Jungle Edge.
Swamp Hills biomes are also fairly uncommon. The area of the overworld that is covered by modified jungle boundaries is only a few millionths (0.00027%) of the total.
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Because Modified Jungle Edges are so uncommon, they are often quite short, measuring no more than a few hundred blocks in length and, in some instances, spanning less than ten blocks. This is because of how rare they are.
Top 11 Rarest Biomes in Minecraft –
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