Top 15 Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold 2024

Top 15 Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold 2024: Recently, a phenomenon known as NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, has taken the internet by storm and is selling for millions of dollars.

The purchase of these one-of-a-kind digital assets, which typically take the form of one-of-a-kind pieces of digital artwork or music, can be accomplished through the use of a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.

The majority of the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on this list were purchased with Ether (ETH), the value of which varies depending on how the market is currently functioning.

For whatever cause, there was a significant increase in the volume of sales of NFTs during the months of February and March 2021.

The sale of digital artists’ NFTs to cryptocurrency investors and NFT collectors resulted in tens of millions of dollars in revenue for the artists.

This list contains information that is, as of April 2021, as accurate as it is feasible to be. Every day, there are brand-new sales of NFTs, and it is extremely likely that new benchmarks will be established in the years to come.

Top 15 Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold 2024

1. LeBron James “Cosmic” Dunk #29

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $208,000
  • Year of Creation: 2019
  • Date of Sale: February 22, 2021
  • Seller: NBA Top Shot
  • Buyer: Jesse

Since trading cards have been a hit ever since they were invented, it is only natural that they have made the transition into the realm of digital media as well.

NBA Top Shot was released in 2019 thanks to a collaboration between the National Basketball Association (NBA), the NBA Players Association (NBAPA), and Dapper Labs, the developers of Crypto Kitties on Ethereum.

These non-fantasy trading cards are referred to as NFTs. Just like their physical counterparts, digital trading cards can be purchased, and some Top Shots are rarer than others.

The “Cosmic” Dunk #29 made by LeBron James is, as of right now, the most valuable Top Shot. In February of 2021, it was purchased by a user named Jesse for the price of $208,000.

Did you know that the LeBron James “Cosmic” Dunk #29 Top Shot depicts James performing a one-handed slam dunk on November 15, 2019, when he faces off against the Sacramento Kings, who are competitors in the Western Conference?

2. Mars House

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $512,000
  • Year of Creation: 2020
  • Date of Sale: March 16, 2021
  • Seller: Krista Kim
  • Buyer: Anonymous

In March of 2021, the very first NFT digital house ever built was purchased for more than half a million dollars!

The contemporary artist Krista Kim created the entirely digital piece known as “Mars House,” and it was sold on the NFT marketplace SuperRare for the price of 288 ether, which was equivalent to approximately $512,000 at the time.

In May of 2020, Kim used the program known as Unreal Engine, which is typically employed by developers of video games, to design the mansion.

The person who placed the winning bid on Mars House now has the opportunity to request the furniture to be created in the form of tangible pieces.

According to Kim, the furniture will be produced of printed tempered glass in Italy.
You may not be aware of this, but Krista Kim collaborated with Jeff Schroeder of The Smashing Pumpkins to compose a soothing musical score for Mars House.

3. The EverLasting Beautiful

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $550,000
  • Year of Creation: 2021
  • Date of Sale: March 5, 2021
  • Seller: FEWOCiOUS
  • Buyer: Jason A. Williams

The young NFT artist known as FEWOCiOUS shot to prominence in 2020 and has quickly accumulated a fortune that is in the multiple millions of dollars range thanks to the sale of their work.

With the release of The EverLasting Beautiful on March 5, 2021, FEWOCiOUS achieved a new personal best in terms of sales.

The crypto investor and influencer Jason A. Williams paid $550,000 for the item before it was sold to him.

4. Nyan Cat

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $590,000
  • Year of Creation: 2011
  • Date of Sale: February 19, 2021
  • Seller: Chris Torres
  • Buyer: Anonymous

An NFT of Nyan Cat, a popular internet meme depicting a flying cat with a Pop-Tart body, was recently sold by the meme’s original inventor, Chris Torress, for close to 600 thousand dollars.

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Torres initially came up with the idea for Nyan Cat in 2011 and uploaded the video to YouTube, where it went viral almost immediately.

Torres made the decision to enter the world of NFTs in order to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Nyan Cat.

Torres said that the person who won the auction will most likely be the only owner of Nyan Cat because he does not intend to sell additional copies of the image in the future.

The successful bidder remained unidentified. Even though the person who placed the winning bid now owns the updated picture of Nyan Cat, Torres is still the owner of the rights to licence and otherwise profit from the popular Pop-Tart cat.

5. Hairy

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $888,888.88
  • Year of Creation: 2021
  • Date of Sale: March 8, 2021
  • Seller: Steve Aoki and Antoni Tudisco
  • Buyer: John Legere

John Legere, a former CEO of T-Mobile who is known for his quirky behaviour, has been keeping busy recently by purchasing some music-related non-publicly traded companies (NFTs).

At the beginning of March 2021, Legere made a purchase from the musician Steve Aoki of an NFT that was labelled “hairy.”

It is a video that is exactly 36 seconds long and features music that was composed by Aoki. Antoni Tudisco, a digital artist, was involved in its production.

Hairy was part of a larger NFT collection that was issued by Aoki. The collection as a whole raked in a total of $4.25 million, with the sale to Legere being the most valuable of the lot.

Did It Cross Your Mind?
The winner of the “hairy” bid was guaranteed to receive the Infinite Objects physical display screen so long as they refrained from selling the NFT for the following two weeks.

6. Forever Rose

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $1 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2018
  • Date of Sale: February 14, 2018
  • Seller: Kevin Abosch
  • Buyer: Group of 10 art collectors

In 2018, before NFTs were all the rage, artist Kevin Abosch was one of the first people to sell a piece of crypto-artwork for a significant amount of money.

He was one of the first people to sell a piece of crypto-artwork. On Valentine’s Day in 2018, a group of ten art buyers paid $1 million to purchase Abosch’s painting “Forever Rose” from the artist.

Forever Rose was developed in conjunction with GIFTO, which is a blockchain-based network for the exchange of virtual gifts.

The artwork was purchased by a total of ten collectors, including several prominent investors and pioneers in the cryptocurrency industry, such as ORCA Fund, Future Money and Ink, and TLDR Capital.

The profits from the sale of Forever Rose were given to the CoderDojo Foundation, which is a non-profit that encourages young people to learn computer programming through the provision of free after-school clubs.

Did It Cross Your Mind?
In 2015, Kevin Abosch had already parted ways with an image of a potato, which he had sold to an unnamed European businessman for one million euros. One of the most expensive images in the history of the world is titled “Potato #345.”

7.  Not Forgotten, But Gone

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $1 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2021
  • Date of Sale: March 16, 2021
  • Seller: WhIsBe
  • Buyer: Nifty Gateway user Pablo

WhIsBe is a well-known digital artist who is most known for his works based on gummy bears that can be purchased as NFTs on Nifty Gateway.

Although WhIsBe has sold several of his older works for tens of thousands of dollars in the past, the artwork Not Forgotten, But Gone was the one that brought in the most money when it was finally purchased in March of 2021.

Pablo, a frequent NFT collector and vendor, is the one who purchased Not Forgotten, But Gone after seeing it for sale on Nifty Gateway.

Not Forgotten, But Gone is now available for sale on Pablo’s website at a price of $5,555,555.55.

8. Auction Winner Picks Name

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $1.3 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2021
  • Date of Sale: March 13, 2021
  • Seller: SSX3LAU (Slime Sunday and 3LAU)
  • Buyer: John Legere

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When former T-Mobile CEO John Legere purchased the naming rights to a piece of music that had been created by 3LAU (Justin Blau) and digital artist Slime Sunday in the middle of March 2021, that piece of music became the first NFT to ever make history.

Legere’s offer of $1,333,333.33 was selected as the winning bid for Nifty Gateway. This was the highest amount that had ever been reached at a final auction on Nifty Gateway at the time.

There was a bidding war between Nifty Gateway user Pablo and John Legere over the digital piece CROSSROAD by Beeple, which had been purchased in 2020 for the initial price of $6.6 million. The winner of the bidding war was Pablo.

Did It Cross Your Mind?
Christina Legere, the daughter of John Legere, gave the SSX3LAU composition the moniker “Gunky’s Uprising.”

9. The Pixel

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $1.36 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2021
  • Date of Sale: April 12, 2021
  • Seller: Pak
  • Buyer: Eric Young

As if the sale of NFTs couldn’t get any more mind-boggling, digital artist Pak sold a single grey pixel for an eye-popping $1.36 million.

This is as if the sale of NFTs couldn’t get any more mind-boggling. The Pixel was a piece that was sold by Sotheby’s as a part of a larger collection of NFT artwork by Pak.

The total sale of the items generated close to $17 million in revenue. The fact that several of the works were available in more than one edition contributed to the overall high sales volume.
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The Pixel ignited a bidding battle that lasted for an hour and a half and ultimately was won by a man called Eric Young.

10. Axie Infinity Genesis Estate

Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs
  • Sold For: $1.5 Million
  • Year of Creation: Unspecified
  • Date of Sale: February 8, 2021
  • Seller: Axie Infinity user Danny
  • Buyer: Axie Infinity user Flying Falcon

A user on the blockchain marketplace and game site Axie Infinity established a record in early February of this year when they sold an estate consisting of nine neighbouring Genesis blocks for 888.25 ETH, which is equivalent to almost $1.5 million.

This occurred before record-breaking NFT sales occurred in March 2021. This was the largest NFT transaction that had ever taken place, and it is now the most valued sale of virtual land in history.

Because there is a limit on the amount of land that can be produced, Genesis land parcels are unique and difficult to get. Axie Land, the forthcoming new game mode for Axie Infinity, will also provide them with ideal positioning in the game.

Did It Cross Your Mind?
Flying Falcon wrote in a tweet after he bought the Genesis plot, “As Genesis land plots are the rarest and best-positioned plots in Axie Infinity, they were a natural fit for my thesis.”

Flying Falcon’s statement comes after he bought the Genesis plot. The creation of digital nations, each with its own system of clearly defined and irrevocable property rights, is something that we are currently living through and watching; this is a momentous occasion.

11. First Tweet Ever

  • Sold For: $2.9 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2006
  • Date of Sale: March 22, 2021
  • Seller: Jack Dorsey
  • Buyer: Sina Estavi

After almost precisely 15 years, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, sold his very first tweet as a non-fungible token (NFT).

Early in the month of March, Dorsey announced that he would be selling the tweet, and he stated that he would close the auction on the tweet’s 15th anniversary, which was on March 21.

On the afternoon of March 22nd, the chief executive officer of a Malaysian blockchain service called Bridge Oracle, Sina Estavi, who had been the leading bidder, submitted the winning bid of $2,915,835.47.

The winning offer was translated into Bitcoin by Dorsey, and he sent the entire amount to GiveDirectly for its Africa Response programme.

This is after deducting the five percent that was collected by the online auction platform Valuables by Cent, which Dorsey used to sell the tweet.

GiveDirectly is a charitable organisation that provides financial assistance to low-income individuals in a direct fashion.

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Jack Dorsey sent a copy of his receipt to GiveDirectly via Twitter in order to demonstrate that he was serious about the promise he made to donate the money that he made.

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  • Sold For: $6.6 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2020
  • Date of Sale: February 24, 2021
  • Seller: Nifty Gateway user Pablo (artwork by Beeple)
  • Buyer: Anonymous

Another one of Beeple’s works, CROSSROAD, was sold on the secondary market for a price of $6.6 million just a few short weeks before the sale of Everydays: The Last 5000 Days, which made the artist a historical figure.

At the tail end of October 2020, the original version of CROSSROAD was made available for purchase on Nifty, a website that sells and curates “Nifties” (digital artwork sold as NFTs).

A user with the username Pablo purchased the item for the price of $66,666.60. Just a few short months later, Pablo accepted an offer from an unknown bidder to purchase the item for the price of $6.6 million.

Did It Cross Your Mind?
Beeple produced the dynamic (moving) piece of digital art known as CROSSROAD as a response to the presidential election that will take place in the United States in 2020. One of two movies, one depicting a jubilant Donald Trump and the other a melancholy one, was programmed to play automatically after the election, depending on which of the two outcomes occurred.

13. CryptoPunk #7804

  • Sold For: $7.57 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2017
  • Date of Sale: March 10, 2021
  • Seller: Dylan Field
  • Buyer: Anonymous Twitter user Peruggia

Just one day before another CryptoPunk surpassed its previous record by over $10,000 For a brief period of time, CryptoPunk #7804 held the title as the most valuable CryptoPunk that had ever been sold.

CryptoPunk #7804 is one of nine different Alien punks, just like its record-breaking sibling. Back in January 2018, Dylan Field, the Chief Executive Officer of the software business Figma, paid a little less than $15,000 for the property.

After keeping an eye on a CryptoPunks Discord channel, Field decided to go with the $7.57 million offer made by an unknown Twitter user who goes by the handle Peruggia.

In addition, Field is the owner of a variety of digital artworks, such as further CryptoPunks and pieces created by Beeple.

14.CryptoPunk #3100

  • Sold For: $7.58 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2017
  • Date of Sale: March 11, 2011
  • Seller: Anonymous
  • Buyer: Anonymous Twitter user Peruggia

At the same time as the artist Beeple was making history, another historic NFT transaction was taking place in a separate part of the Internet.

An unnamed buyer paid 4,200 Ethereum (ETH), which is equivalent to around $7.58 million, for a CryptoPunk (#3100), one of the earliest NFTs ever created in the history of the planet.

The fact that CryptoPunk #3100 is one of just nine Alien punks contributes to the uniqueness of the item.

The property’s owner had placed it on the market for sale on January 23, 2021, and there had been a number of bids ranging from $1.7 million to $2.19 million prior to the top bid of $7.58 million.

15. Everydays: The First 500 Days

  • Sold For: $69.3 Million
  • Year of Creation: 2021
  • Date of Sale: March 11, 2021
  • Seller: Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)
  • Buyer: MetaKovan (Vingesh Sundaresan)

The artist known as Beeple (Mike Winkelmann) made history on March 11, 2021, when a collection of his work titled Everdays.

The First 500 Days was sold by the renowned auction house Christie’s for the staggering price of $69.3 million, making it the rarest NFT ever sold (so far) in the world.

The collection was titled Everdays: The First 500 Days. Although non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been around for a few years on the internet, it was the sale of Everdays.

The First 500 Days launched NFTs into the mainstream and introduced awareness of them to individuals all over the world.

The NFT is a collection of artworks created by Beeple on a daily basis between May 1, 2007, and the moment shortly before the work was put up for sale.

The pictures are laid out in a rather haphazard chronological order and showcase characters from a wide variety of pop culture subcultures.

Vignesh Sundaresan, a programmer located in Singapore who is also the proprietor of Metapurse and goes by his alias MetaKovan, is the one who purchased Everydays.

Did It Cross Your Mind?
Everydays: The First 500 Days is not only the most uncommon and valuable NFT, but it is also the third most expensive work by a living artist.

This places it behind Jeff Koons’ Rabbit and David Hockney’s Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures), both of which are valued at more than $90 million.

Top 15 Rarest and Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold [UPDATED]-




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