Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2024

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out . Are you disappointed that your Apple AirPods, which you adore for their sound, appearance, and feel, keep falling out of your ears?

Apple decided to go with a one-size-fits-all strategy rather than develop a product that was capable of accepting tips of varying sizes to accommodate a variety of ear sizes.

However, the outer portion of the eardrum, which is the section where the AirPods fit, is not the same size for everyone, so the AirPods will either remain in your ears or they won’t.

The sound becomes increasingly difficult to hear when your AirPods gradually move further and further out of your ears.

Then, if you don’t manage to grab them just in the nick of time, they will fall out. When you’re working out, sweating, or even just moving your head around, the issue can become very irritating.

This limitation was addressed with the release of the AirPods Pro, which feature a design that fits entirely within the ear canal and come with three different sets of replaceable tips to accommodate ear canals of varying sizes.

An Ear Tip Fit Test can help you decide the ideal size for your ears. Those who have normal AirPods, however, continue to struggle with this issue, even if they have the third-generation AirPods with the shorter stem.

Don’t give up just yet. There are a few do-it-yourself tactics as well as numerous add-on accessories that might assist you in maintaining a secure fit of your AirPods within your ear canals. Let’s go ahead and investigate them.

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2024

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2023

1. Make sure you’re wearing them right

The first piece of advice may appear to be very simplistic, but the correct method for inserting your AirPods into your ears is something that a lot of people don’t realize exists.

It should go without saying that you should always make sure that your AirPods and AirPods Pro are worn in the correct manner for optimal performance.

When not worn correctly, earbuds have a greater risk of falling out of the ear. This is due to the fact that the original AirPods and the AirPods Pro have a slightly different design.

As you may already be aware, the AirPods 1, AirPods 2, and AirPods 3 are approximately the same size and shape as Apple’s wired headphones, but they are designed to fit more shallowly in the ear canal. On the other hand, the AirPods Pro come equipped with silicone tips that are designed to fit significantly further into the ears of users.

Because of this distinction, the two models of AirPods belong to different technical categories. While the AirPods Gen 1, 2, and 3 are considered to be “earbuds,” Apple refers to the AirPods Pro as “in-ear monitors,” or IEMs. The following is the proper way to wear each type:

If you want to make sure you’re wearing your AirPods 1, 2, and 3 correctly, follow this step-by-step guide:

  • Wipe the speakers with a damp cloth. Clean off any oil, dirt, or residue from the ear tips of your AirPods, as they can cause your AirPods to slip easily. By ensuring the surface of the ear tips is “squeaky clean,” you’ll be sure to experience better grip when wearing them.
    Don’t wipe your AirPods with a soaking wet cloth as this could lead to water damage.
  • Press the AirPods in gently. Once they’re all clean, press the AirPods into your ears, ensuring the stem is vertically aligned with your head or parallel to your face. This alignment is crucial for the next step of the process.
    Refrain from pushing the AirPods too deep to the point of discomfort. Doing so may lead to

    injuries and infections in your ear canal.

  • Rotate and wedge in the AirPods to secure the fit. Lastly, rotate the AirPods until you reach the point where the earbuds feel tight and secured. You’ll feel this “locked” position happen when the stems of your AirPods are almost parallel to your jawline.
Once you’ve achieved this, see how they look in the mirror or take a picture to remember what the proper fit looks like. This will make the position much easier to replicate in the future.

How to wear the AirPods Pro properly

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2023

The AirPods Pro require a bit more care than the standard AirPods, mostly due to the fact that the ear tips of the AirPods Pro are made of silicone. The following is a step-by-step guide that will assist you with donning them correctly:

  • Flip the silicone tips and check their size. Checking the size of the silicone tip you’re using is a vital step in this process, as not having the right-sized ear tips will render the next steps in this guide useless. Refer to Apple’s sizing guide to find out the best size for you.
    The AirPods Pro come outfitted with medium ear tips right out of the box, but additional large and small ear tips are also included.
  • Align the sizing letter with the black vent. This step is so obscure that it’s almost a hack. For the best fit, make sure to align the sizing letter and the black vent. You should hear a click when you’ve turned them properly.
  • Press in, rotate, and wedge. Much like its predecessor, correctly inserting your AirPods Pro into your ears requires the whole press-rotate-wedge motion. Press in the AirPods to a comfortable fit, then rotate the earbuds until you feel them wedge into your ear.
  • Run an Ear Tip Fit Test. This handy feature from Apple helps you achieve a better seal with your earbuds. While wearing your AirPods, connect them to your iPhone and select Settings > Bluetooth. Click the information button beside the device and press “Ear Tip Fit Test.”
    If the “Ear Tip Fit Test” option isn’t available on your device, your iOS is likely lower than version 13.2 and will need an upgrade.

2. Try wearing the AirPods Upside Down

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2023

I can freely admit that I have experimented with wearing my wired earbuds in the opposite direction while I ran.

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Runners are known to employ this strategy, but its prevalence appears to be dwindling as wireless earphones become more commonplace.

Well, you can still do it! Even though it might be unusual to look at, there is no downside to giving it a shot in order to obtain a better fit that will stop your AirPods from falling out of your ears.

When the AirPods are removed from the ears or become dislodged from them, the Automatic Ear Detection function immediately pauses the playback of the audio.

Because leaving it enabled may have an impact on other features and functions, such as the ANC, you may choose to disable it instead.

3. Switch to Memory Foam Tips (for AirPods Pro)

Although Apple intended to improve the overall fit of the AirPods by developing the silicone tips that are included with the AirPods Pro, they ended up reproducing the same kind of problems that are encountered by users of the original AirPods.

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One option for dealing with this issue is to experiment with using a different kind of ear tip that is crafted from a different material. Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out

The next best material to go for is memory foam, which is next behind silicone tips. Memory foam tips, as opposed to Apple’s silicone tips, are able to effortlessly conform to the curve of the ear, which results in a superior seal when placed in the ear canal.

Foam Masters is one of the brands that is recommended the most, and a lot of customers have recently been switching to ear tips made of memory foam.

The following is an in-depth guide that will walk you through each process of changing the ear tips on your AirPods Pro to memory foam:

  • Remove the silicone tips. You can do this by gently pulling on them until they pop off the earbuds.
  • Choose the right memory foam ear tip. The rule of thumb is that your silicone tip and memory foam tip should be the same size. Try to go for brands like Foam Masters that actually follow Apple’s sizing. These brands are made specifically for Airpods, so there should be no issues with the fit.
  • Squeeze and push the new tips in until they’re locked in. Squeeze and push the memory foam tips the same way you would when putting on silicone tips. Once the ear tip is securely placed on the earbuds, you should hear a click.
  • Squeeze and plug the AirPods in your ears. While the process of attaching silicone and memory foam ear tips to the earbuds is the same, the method of wearing them is slightly different. When putting on AirPods equipped with memory foam ear tips, you’ll need to squeeze the tip first before doing the push-rotate-wedge action.

4. Apply a Waterproof Tape

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2023

Because waterproof tape maintains its stickiness even in the presence of wetness, utilizing this material can assist give your AirPods a greater hold, which will prevent them from falling out of your ears.

Here are the tools you will need for this method:

  • Nexcare Absolute Waterproof Tape
  • Hole Punch : Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to adding waterproof tape to your AirPods.

  • Punch out a couple of small dots from the waterproof tape. Punch as many dots as you wish so you’ll have extra ones you can use if your initial placements do not work. Also, since you may need to change the tapes from time to time, it doesn’t hurt to have a collection of waterproof tape dots ready.
  • Place the tape below and above the black sensor dot. This may require a bit of trial and error as we all have differently shaped ears. You can even try experimenting with different shapes to achieve a better fit for your ears. In the end, it depends on what makes you comfortable. Once you’re good, it should look something like this:

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5. Use third-party accessories

If you have tried everything else and the fit of your AirPods still isn’t quite right, you could try looking into third-party accessories.

Some of these accessories have been designed particularly to address frequent problems, such as making AirPods fit better or preventing them from falling out of their ears.

However, because Apple did not design them, you will need to remove them from your AirPods before placing them back in their charging case.

The following is a list of some of our favorite accessories made by third parties for AirPods: Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out

  • DamonLight AirPods Covers

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In 2023

The silicone ear tip covers that are included with the DamonLight AirPods Covers are designed to provide the earbud portion of the AirPods extra traction.

They are available in two different variations: one for the original AirPods, and the other for the AirPods Pro.

These silicone covers have a thickness that allows them to fit inside the charging cases for AirPods and AirPods Pro. You won’t have to continually taking them off in order to store them because this solution eliminates that step.

The one drawback to these coverings is that, because they are so thin, they are fragile and can easily be torn apart if you aren’t careful.

As a result of this, you will need to put in some extra effort to be patient and cautious while putting these on. Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out .

  • Ahastyle Silicone AirPods Ear Hooks

AirPod covers are available from Ahastyle Silicone AirPods Ear Hooks, much like the DamonLight option described earlier on this page.

The AhaStyle covers, on the other hand, are equipped with a hook and a silicone tip extension that can be attached to the normal AirPods.

This is the primary distinction between the two. On the other hand, the AirPods Pro version of these coverings just comes with a hook.

Earphones and earbuds made specifically for use in athletic environments typically include hooks. Therefore, if you play contact sports like basketball and are thinking about using your AirPods, you should think about getting these.

  • GOGOSODU AirPods Strap

At long last, we have the GOGOSODU AirPods strap in our possession. This product does not specifically discuss how well it fits in the ear.

However, it does provide an additional layer of protection for your AirPods in the event that the earbuds decide to dislodge themselves from your ears.

Fix AirPods Keep Falling Out In




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