Rarest 13 Emojis in Use 2024

Rarest 13 Emojis in Use 2024: Emojis have had a lasting impact on the culture of texting and social media platforms, regardless of whether they were created with keyboard symbols or by web developers.

It is difficult to keep up with all of the emojis because there are so many updates added every day that add hundreds more of them.

You are about to learn about several emojis that have fallen out of favour with the majority of texters in favour of hearts and happy faces.

These figures were correct when this article was written; nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that they are subject to alteration. For the statistics, we would like to thank emojitracker.com.

Rarest 13 Emojis in Use 2024

1. Japanese Acceptable Button

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 324,499
  • Rank: 827
  • Suggested Uses: To show acceptance or approval
  • Year Approved: 2010

Because it is circular and orange, rather than square and red, the “acceptable” emoji in Japanese is distinguishable from a few of the other emojis used in the Japanese language.

In most contexts, it is used to convey the idea that something is acceptable or has been granted permission in some other way.

The fact that only those who know Japanese can understand this emoji and that people do not typically send papers using emojis very regularly likely contributes to the rarity of this symbol.

Did you know that Shigetaka Kurita created the very first emoji, often referred to as a “emoticon,” in the year 1999? Emoji are made up of pixels.

2. Japanese Free of Charge Button

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 314,497
  • Rank: 828
  • Suggested Uses: To show when something is free or a lacking
  • Year Approved: 2009

The Japanese button for “Free of Charge” is probably hard to find for the same reason that the Japanese button for “Acceptable” is hard to find: because a small percentage of the population knows it.

The fact that it is a word rather than an image also means that the user could just put in whether something was free to use or if it lacked this feature to achieve the same result. All of the recent tweets that have contained this sign have been written in Japanese.

Did you know that the blood droplet emoji quickly became popular once it was released? A wide variety of organisations, from blood donation centres to women’s health organisations, vowed to adopt it as their own as soon as it became available.

3. Japanese Prohibited Emoji

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 309,681
  • Rank: 830
  • Suggested Uses: To show something is not allowed
  • Year Approved: 2010

The emoji that is not allowed in Japanese text messages faces tough competition. Because it is an emoji for a language, it prevents a large number of users from comprehending it.

In addition to that, there are a number of different emojis whose sole connotation is conveyed by their images.

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Emojis such as the girl with her arms crossed, the red X, the circle with a line across it, and even the alert face are examples of these types of symbols.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that all of these rate significantly higher than the emoji that can’t be used in Japan.

Have you any idea?
In 2016, Apple modified the gun emoji to depict a water gun after receiving input from organisations concerned about gun safety.

4. Open Mailbox with Lowered Flag

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 304,888
  • Rank: 831
  • Suggested Uses: To indicate mail has either been picked up or not delivered
  • Year Approved: 2010

The location of a mailbox as well as whether or not it is open or closed communicates something to the person who delivers the mail and/or the person who receives the mail.

In this scenario, the presence of an open mailbox with a lowered flag indicates that the recipient’s outgoing mail has been collected and/or that the recipient has not yet received any incoming mail. This particular mailbox emoji is one of four that can be positioned in a variety of ways.

Did you know that the United States Postal Service handles and delivers 472.1 million pieces of mail each and every business day? The USPS processes 19.7 million pieces of mail per hour.

5. Monorail

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 292,566
  • Rank: 833
  • Suggested Uses: To represent a monorail
  • Year Approved: 2010

A monorail is a specific kind of train that only has one track to go on. It is common to see it in the surroundings of theme parks and other places that need walking just short distances.

As a consequence of this, individuals do not ride monorails very frequently, and others may not even be familiar with the appearance of a monorail at all.

In addition, there is a time-honoured train emoji that is much more easily recognisable in the event that a message is sent regarding travelling.

Have you any idea?
In 1825, the world’s first monorail that was able to transport passengers made its premiere.

5. Clock Face 12:30

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 279,169
  • Rank: 834
  • Suggested Uses: Indicate the time
  • Year Approved: 2010

There are various different clock and time-keeping emojis available, similar to the one that looks like a mailbox.

It is not obvious why the 12:30 clock is so unpopular, but one possible explanation is that it only displays a single time.

Having said that, the level of popularity enjoyed by emojis of this type is highly variable and shifts on a daily basis.

Have you any idea?
The review board went through a process that was less stringent than usual in order to evaluate the prospective popularity of emojis at the time. As a result, the clock emojis were included.

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6. Input Latin Uppercase

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 272,229
  • Rank: 837
  • Suggested Uses: To toggle uppercase letters
  • Year Approved: 2010

The fact that the input Latin uppercase emoji is not designed to be used in typical emoji contexts explains why it is so uncommon.

Instead, it is intended to be used with a software keyboard or some other type of programming interface to signify that you are in uppercase mode, just like the caps lock button does.

Have you any idea?
The weeping-laughing emoji and the crying emoji were, respectively, the most often used emojis in the year 2020.

These feel like accurate representations of people’s texts and other messages based on the happenings of the preceding year, which you can find here.

7. Passport Control

Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 267,147
  • Rank: 838
  • Suggested Uses: Indicate a passport or border check
  • Year Approved: 2010

The emoji depicting a person checking their passport is extremely disliked and constantly ranks among the emojis that are used the least.

Even when people do talk about borders or passports, this emoji does a poor job of conveying what they mean because most of the time those topics aren’t even brought up.

It is even less likely that you will need to use this emoji now that international travel is restricted as a result of the pandemic.

Have you any idea?
In accordance with the British Nationality and Status Aliens Act, the very first British passport was issued in the year 1914.

8. Japanese Application Button

Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 266,172
  • Rank: 839
  • Suggested Uses: Job application or year of the monkey
  • Year Approved: 2010

This symbol, which in Japanese can mean either a request or an application, is typically found in the context of an online contact or employment application.

The characters symbolise the monkey from the Chinese zodiac in its original language, Chinese. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this symbol is so uncommon given that the Year of the Monkey only comes around once every few years and that job applications aren’t typically filled out via text or with emojis.

Have you any idea?
According to the Chinese Zodiac, the years 2018, 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, and 1956 are all considered to be the years of the monkey.

9. Card Index

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 258,512
  • Rank: 840
  • Suggested Uses: Indicate address or personal information also found on business cards
  • Year Approved: 2010

A card index, which is also known as a Rolodex, is an organiser for business cards that was often used before the advent of online address books and contact lists for mobile phones.

Because card indexes aren’t used as frequently as they formerly were, the emoji has a low score. Despite the fact that it is uncommon, designers of websites have put a lot of effort into making it look good.

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For example, the business card for Apple features extensive contact information on a woman named Jane Appleseed and stands out from the crowd. Even her address in Cupertino, California, is the same as Apple’s.

Because it resembles a notebook, some people get this emoji confused with other symbols that have to do with reading or paperwork. Did you know that?

10. No Littering

Emojis in Use
Emojis in Use
  • Twitter Uses: 258,518
  • Rank: 841
  • Suggested Uses: Indicate that littering is prohibited
  • Year Approved: 2010

It shouldn’t be necessary to explain the meaning of the emoji that advises people not to litter. The emoji, on the other hand, are not universally understood, despite the fact that the notion is.

This is presumably due to the fact that the symbol functions more well as a sign than it does as a text message.

There aren’t many good reasons for people to remind others not to litter by text message or by sending them odd signs.

Did you know that the fines for littering can reach up to thousands of dollars and also include additional community work to clear up the litter?

11. Non Potable Water Symbol

  • Twitter Uses: 258,129
  • Rank: 842
  • Suggested Uses: To show that water is not safe to drink
  • Year Approved: 2010

There are possibly a few reasons why the emoji for non-potable water is so uncommon. To begin, its meaning is not entirely obvious. It’s also possible that a tap is damaged and leaking water everywhere.

Second, because it is such an urgent matter, other individuals would probably notify that person immediately if they suspected that they were about to drink water that was not potable.

Third, non-potable water is typically a concern in more remote regions, which are also more likely to have limited or no access to phone signals.

Have you any idea?
There are around 780 million people in the globe who do not have access to an improved water source, and there are approximately 2.5 billion people who do not have access to improved sanitation facilities, as reported by the CDC.

12. Input Symbols

  • Twitter Uses: 215,767
  • Rank: 845
  • Suggested Uses: Input symbols on a software keyboard
  • Year Approved: 2010

The input symbols emoji, just like the input capital Latin letters emoji, is intended to be used for the purpose of coding.

There is a Japanese postal mark, a music mark, an ampersand (or @), and a percentage symbol on the emoji.

This is the most uncommon type of emoji because, unlike the ones that represent numbers and characters, it is made up of random symbols that can’t be used to represent anything else.

Have you any idea?
There is a Twitter account by the name of @leastusedemojibot that is designed to draw people’s attention to the emojis that are used the least. Regrettably, it hasn’t been updated in a considerable amount of time.

Rarest 13 Emojis in Use- Newshub360.net




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